Hot yoga for depression: One session a week can help you stay cool, study finds

Hot yoga for depression: One session a week can help you stay cool, study finds

People may be connected to each other like never before, but they’ve probably never been so depressed and alone. With the rise of technology, it may seem like you have the tools to be happier, but why doesn’t life seem fulfilling for everyone? Depression has silently entered the lives of many people, even though they …

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Study Finds Hot Yoga Can Ease Depression Symptoms

Girls have poorer mental health than boys in Europe, according to WHO

A new study found that practicing hot yoga regularly can improve your mood. ADVERTISEMENT We are happy to tell you some good news. Just one hot yoga session a week may help reduce symptoms of depression, according to results of a clinical trial. However, to feel the benefits, you will have to endure temperatures of …

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Heated yoga may reduce depression in adults

Heated yoga may reduce depression in adults

In a randomized controlled clinical trial of adults with moderate to severe depression, those who participated in passionate yoga sessions experienced significantly greater reductions in depressive symptoms compared to a control group. The results of the trial, conducted by researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital and published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, indicate that heated …

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Ardha Chandrasana: 5 Health Benefits of Half Moon Yoga Pose

Ardha Chandrasana: 5 Health Benefits of Half Moon Yoga Pose

Yoga is great for our physical and mental health. There are some asanas that are simple and there are those that require some effort. Ardha Chandrasana or half moon pose is one of the challenging asanas. This is because it tests your balance as you step down with your supporting leg and stabilize your arm …

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Healing Trauma Through Yoga: Add These 4 Exercises to Your Daily Exercise Routine

Healing Trauma Through Yoga: Add These 4 Exercises to Your Daily Exercise Routine

Yoga experts insist that healing trauma through yoga is a powerful practice, as with its emphasis on mindfulness and gentle physical activity, the ancient practice emerges as a valuable tool. Whether it is a natural disaster, conflict or personal tragedy, the consequences may linger in the mind and body, but Yoga intervenes as a holistic …

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Discover the 5 Best Stylish Yoga Mats for Constant Support

Discover the 5 Best Stylish Yoga Mats for Constant Support

The therapeutic benefits of yoga are well known around the world. But did you know that practicing yoga on an unsuitable surface can have unfavorable effects such as poor posture, intense muscle tension, sprains, fractures and injuries? That’s why wellness experts, health coaches, and medical professionals encourage people to indulge in this age-old practice while …

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Mindful Eating and Yoga: Diet and Exercise Tips to Maintain a Healthy Heart

Mindful Eating and Yoga: Diet and Exercise Tips to Maintain a Healthy Heart

PerZarafshan ShirazNew Delhi In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining a heart-healthy lifestyle can be challenging, as stress, poor food choices and lack of physical activity often harm our cardiovascular health. However, experts believe that by combining two simple but powerful practices: mindful eating and yoga, you can take a holistic approach to supporting a healthy heart. …

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