DYSON COLUMN: Are we all working just for health insurance?

DYSON COLUMN: Are we all working just for health insurance?

During a recent discussion with my family doctor about health insurance, one of us lamented the lack of decent coverage and it wasn’t what one would expect. OK, I started it. My primary care provider, who is wonderfully thorough, asked me if there had been any changes in my family medical history over the past …

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I Swapped Stretches for These 4 Moves to Improve My Hip Health and I Could Feel Them Working Right Away

I Swapped Stretches for These 4 Moves to Improve My Hip Health and I Could Feel Them Working Right Away

Tight hips are a common problem, especially for those who spend a lot of time sitting. As a writer, I’m definitely guilty of sitting too much, so I’m always on the lookout for lower-body stretching routines. But there are other ways to keep your hips healthy. “Stretching is great, but to build a solid foundation …

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Fitness Influencer Discusses Video of Gym Goers Mocking Elderly Man Working Out


A “gym influencer” named Joey Swoll follows one important philosophy: the gym should be a warm, welcoming, and safe space for everyone to enjoy. That’s why he often posts videos online on his various social media accounts talking about how other people behave at the gym and how they are part of the problem plaguing …

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The Army is working to improve physical training and mental health care for its dogs

Military working dogs acclimate to helicopter flight

The Army revamped its health and wellness program for soldiers in 2020, dubbing it “Holistic Health and Fitness,” or H2F. There, the service entered doctrine on how soldiers should take care of themselves, including adequate sleep, nutrition, exercise and mental health. Now the Army is doing the same with its working dogs, a force of …

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