Dr. Eric Berg shares the first sign of vitamin B12 deficiency

Dr. Eric Berg shares the first sign of vitamin B12 deficiency

Vitamin B12 is a vital vitamin responsible for maintaining the health of your blood and nerve cells. Besides this, it supports your spine and brain. Dr. Eric Berg, a chiropractor who specializes in weight loss through nutritional and natural methods, listed the potential side effects of vitamin B12 deficiency on YouTube with 11.2 million subscribers. …

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The doctor warns that you may take vitamin D incorrectly – the risk of deficiency

The doctor warns that you may take vitamin D incorrectly - the risk of deficiency

Some vitamins and minerals are essential for our health and well-being. One of these vital nutrients is vitamin D, which helps maintain healthy teeth, bones, and muscles. Most of the vitamin D our body needs can be obtained from exposure to sunlight. However, in the fall and winter months, it becomes more difficult to do …

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Five symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency are seen in 15% of cases

Five symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency are seen in 15% of cases

Vitamin B12 is necessary to maintain the health of the blood and nerves of the body. If a deficiency occurs and is not treated, complications such as decreased vision and infertility may occur. In some cases, it can even increase the risk of stomach cancer. Pernicious anemia is the most common cause of vitamin B12 …

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French authorities label vitamin D as an endocrine disruptor

French authorities label vitamin D as an endocrine disruptor

This publication followed the previous identification of cholecalciferol and ED during its evaluation by the European Chemicals Agency under the Biocides Regulation (EU) No. 528/2012. The decision is part of a new goal to inform consumers of the presence of adulterants in the products they buy, based on France’s AGEC law on waste reduction and …

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Vitamin C deficiency: dry skin to tooth loss, 6 symptoms you should not ignore

Vitamin C Deficiency: Dry Skin to Tooth Loss, 6 Telltale Signs You Shouldn

Main Page the health Vitamin C deficiency: dry skin to tooth loss, 6 symptoms you should not ignore Vitamin C is one of the most effective nutrients that protect a person from immune system deficiencies, eye diseases, skin problems, etc. Vitamin C deficiency: dry skin to tooth loss, 7 signs you should not ignore A …

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Vitamin D – Expert Says Whether You Should Take a Daily Supplement

Vitamin D - Expert Says Whether You Should Take a Daily Supplement

Vitamin D, often called the sunshine vitamin, is important for regulating calcium and phosphate levels in the body. These nutrients are needed to keep bones, teeth, and muscles healthy, but because the body produces vitamin D through direct exposure to sunlight, people may be at risk for vitamin D deficiency during the fall and winter …

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Where the sun no longer provides enough vitamin D until next spring

Where the sun no longer provides enough vitamin D until next spring

Article File: Sunshine (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images) Many Americans living north of 37 degrees north latitude will soon need to find an alternative source of vitamin D, a vital nutrient. Vitamin D helps the body build and maintain strong bones, in addition to supporting immune health, muscle function, and brain cell activity. Mayo Clinic. …

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