New policy aims to protect CT healthcare workers from violence

New policy aims to protect CT healthcare workers from violence

WALLINGFORD Injuries are common in an emergency room, and not always just to patients. Charge nurse Teresa Marx of UConn Health said she has seen her colleagues attacked in the four years she has worked in the emergency room. She said some of her colleagues were kicked in the head. Others required stitches after being …

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What does watching violence make you think? “Nothing good”: 5 tips for maintaining your mental health while keeping up with the news

What does watching violence make you think?  “Nothing good”: 5 tips for maintaining your mental health while keeping up with the news

The conflict in Israel and Gaza dominated the news cycle last week. Turn on the television or log into any social media platform and you’ll be faced with a barrage of horrific headlines. While it’s important to stay informed, consuming too many graphic images and videos can be detrimental to your mental health. According to …

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Applying psychiatric knowledge to the Holy Land

Applying psychiatric knowledge to the Holy Land

PSYCHIATRIC VIEWS ON DAILY NEWS Every time men and women are prosecuted because of their race, religion, or political group, that place and time becomes the center of the universe. -Eli Wiesel In Monday’s first column on the Middle East crisis, we discussed some of the basic and traditional ways in which psychiatry can help. …

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