A Harvard study claims that eating red meat twice a week can increase the risk of diabetes

A Harvard study claims that eating red meat twice a week can increase the risk of diabetes

Previous studies have often found a link between red meat consumption and the risk of type 2 diabetes, but a new study by experts at Harvard University analyzed a large number of cases of type 2 diabetes among participants and claimed that people who They only eat two servings of red meat a week. It …

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5 secrets for a long and happy life from the world’s newest blue zone

5 secrets for a long and happy life from the world's newest blue zone

Sian Ara, grief! Rest assured, the secrets to a long and happy life can be found in the world’s blue regions, which have lower rates of chronic disease and longer life expectancies. These areas include Sardinia, Italy. Okinawa, Japan; Loma Linda, California; Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica and Ikaria, Greece. A newer watershed, Singapore, has …

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Where the sun no longer provides enough vitamin D until next spring

Where the sun no longer provides enough vitamin D until next spring

Article File: Sunshine (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images) Many Americans living north of 37 degrees north latitude will soon need to find an alternative source of vitamin D, a vital nutrient. Vitamin D helps the body build and maintain strong bones, in addition to supporting immune health, muscle function, and brain cell activity. Mayo Clinic. …

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Brain foods that you should eat over 40 for better concentration, mood and sleep

The healthiest thing to order at Starbucks, according to a nutritionist

As we age, many of our cognitive functions may begin to decline. This can include concentration, memory, energy levels, and more. You may even have trouble sleeping at night due to several factors, including hormonal changes. Fortunately, there are things you can do to keep your brain as sharp as ever, your mood in tip-top …

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The healthiest thing to order at Starbucks, according to a nutritionist

The healthiest thing to order at Starbucks, according to a nutritionist

No matter how much you can save by making your own coffee at home, there’s nothing like enjoying a delicious latte from Starbucks. Unfortunately, all that great taste usually comes with some health risks. It’s no secret that most specialty drinks at Starbucks are loaded with sugar. (We’re looking at you, Pumpkin Spice Latte!) However, …

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According to experts, the unexpected harm of B vitamins

The healthiest thing to order at Starbucks, according to a nutritionist

Taking daily supplements can be a great way to fill in any nutritional gaps in your diet. For example, if you find that you have a B vitamin deficiency (a deficiency that can manifest as fatigue, muscle weakness, headaches, and more), you may benefit from taking a B complex supplement. However, just like anything else …

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Expert: The secret to weight loss is eating with the non-dominant hand

Expert: The secret to weight loss is eating with the non-dominant hand

This amazing weight loss claim can be made Handy A British psychologist is raising eyebrows after suggesting that eating with the non-dominant hand may lead to weight loss. Professor Richard Wiseman, who teaches at the University of Hertfordshire, made the claim on the ‘On Your Mind’ podcast this week, saying the practice is likely to …

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