Along with these 7 other foods, bananas can help you sleep better

Along with these 7 other foods, bananas can help you sleep better

You may sleep on a banana. The yellow fruit has many benefits, from boosting energy to reducing bloating, but it turns out that a simple banana may be the little-known secret to getting more Zzzs. According to the Sleep Charity, which has published tips for people hoping to get a better night’s rest, eating a …

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Experts warn about the hidden dangers of eating burnt toast

Experts warn about the hidden dangers of eating burnt toast

While it would be a very foolish move with most foods, many people prefer to burn their toast. To be honest, I personally don’t see the appeal in making my toast look like a lump of coal, but there’s no doubt that a lot of people enjoy it. But while many enjoy burnt toast first …

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3 delicious snacks you can eat all winter while staying fit, according to a nutritionist

The healthiest thing to order at Starbucks, according to a nutritionist

Getting fit doesn’t mean giving up snacks altogether. Of course, it’s important to limit your intake of processed foods high in salt and low in fiber if a healthier body is your goal. But luckily, there are plenty of nutritious options that can keep you full, satisfy your cravings, and help you achieve the body …

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Worst Wendys Menu Items Health Experts Say You Should Never Order #2 Over 1,200 Calories!

The healthiest thing to order at Starbucks, according to a nutritionist

Wendy’s has some of the tastiest food out there, but unfortunately, there’s no denying that all those delicious burgers and crispy fries can come with serious health risks. And while you’re probably not moving because you’re craving something particularly healthy, it’s a good idea to consider the impact of what you’re putting into your body. …

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nutritionists warning about processed foods; A healthy diet is still possible

nutritionists warning about processed foods;  A healthy diet is still possible

(NewsNation) A significant portion of the American diet consists of processed foods that are often overlooked. Even foods perceived as healthy are processed for convenience, affordability, and convenience. However, health workers warn that consuming too much processed food may cause health problems. “The longer it’s been around when you’re eating things with added sugar or …

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After a student warned what happened to 800 mg of caffeine.

After a student warned what happened to 800 mg of caffeine.

A nutritionist has issued a warning after a TikToker consumed nearly 800mg of caffeine to find out what happens if you take too much of the drug. A student at Boston College took to TikTok to film himself ingesting 790 milligrams of caffeine to find out how too much caffeine affects your body and mind. …

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What happens to your body when you drink those delicious and tempting seasonal drinks?

What happens to your body when you drink those delicious and tempting seasonal drinks?

Indulging in seasonal coffee drinks like the famous Pumpkin Spice Latte is an irresistible temptation for some people. According to health experts, drinking all those calories and sugar can be bad for our health. Many of these seasonal drinks contain up to 12 tablespoons of sugar, and that’s not including whipped cream and other artificial …

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