I Swapped Stretches for These 4 Moves to Improve My Hip Health and I Could Feel Them Working Right Away

I Swapped Stretches for These 4 Moves to Improve My Hip Health and I Could Feel Them Working Right Away

Tight hips are a common problem, especially for those who spend a lot of time sitting. As a writer, I’m definitely guilty of sitting too much, so I’m always on the lookout for lower-body stretching routines. But there are other ways to keep your hips healthy. “Stretching is great, but to build a solid foundation …

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Five Stretches You Should Do After Every Round

Five Stretches You Should Do After Every Round

When was the last time you stretched after a round of golf? And no, lengthening your stride on the way to the bar doesn’t count. Incorporating a good stretching routine will help your body feel better the next time you play. And luckily, your stretching routine doesn’t have to last all night. Andrea Doddato, one …

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