Improve Fitness, Strength, and Brain Function: Walk This Way

Improve Fitness, Strength, and Brain Function: Walk This Way

Even if you hate exercise and the thought of running or lifting weights sends shivers down your spine, there is a simple way to improve your health: walking. Scientific studies have consistently linked walking to improved physiological markers, including heart health, mental well-being, cognitive function and increased longevity. Walking thousands of steps daily is …

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Andy Speer’s 3-Day Advanced Split Strength Program on Peloton – Peloton Buddy

Andy Speer's 3-Day Advanced Split Strength Program on Peloton - Peloton Buddy

Peloton has launched a new 3-day advanced training program with Andy Speer. This is designed as a one-week program that you can do and repeat over the next few weeks to see how you are progressing over time. Peloton also launched a new 5-day split strength program with Rebecca Kennedy today. These programs are immediately …

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Rebecca Kennedy’s 5-Day Intermediate Split Strength Program on Peloton – Peloton Buddy

Andy Speer's 3-Day Advanced Split Strength Program on Peloton - Peloton Buddy

Rebecca Kennedy has a new intermediate-level 5-day split strength training program that launched today on Peloton. These split strength programs are designed to be picked up and repeated in future weeks so your progress can be tracked. This isn’t the only new program today – as Andy Speer also has a new 3-day advanced split …

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