When stopping benzodiazepine treatment, it is crucial to taper it gradually

Dr. Keith Roach

Dr. Keith Roach Dear Dr. Roach:For four years, I have taken 2 mg of alprazolamat in the evening to sleep. Over the past six months, I’ve noticed that if I take it at 10:30 p.m., I usually can’t fall asleep until 2:30 a.m. Is it safe to just stop taking this medication because it has …

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Intimidating sports culture is stopping many people from returning to gyms

Intimidating sports culture is stopping many people from returning to gyms

NEW YORK – An intimidating sports culture is discouraging countless people from exercising, leaving many feeling marginalized by the fitness industry, according to a new survey. Research carried out among 2,000 adults who do not exercise regularly reveals that 68% feel too self-conscious to set foot in a gym, believing they do not live up …

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