Along with these 7 other foods, bananas can help you sleep better

Along with these 7 other foods, bananas can help you sleep better

You may sleep on a banana. The yellow fruit has many benefits, from boosting energy to reducing bloating, but it turns out that a simple banana may be the little-known secret to getting more Zzzs. According to the Sleep Charity, which has published tips for people hoping to get a better night’s rest, eating a …

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Pulling a sleepless night works like an antidepressant: Northwest study

According to a new study, even one night's worth of sleep deprivation saw lingering antidepressant effects that lasted for days, plus increased neuroplasticity.

Students, rejoice, your sleepless nights may have more benefits than earning you an A. That all-too-familiar feeling of “tension but fatigue” from not getting enough sleep for just one night may actually have antidepressant effects, according to a study led by a team at Northwestern University. Although chronic sleep deprivation has been studied extensively, scientists …

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Discover the 4 in 1 solution to improve skin, hormonal health, digestion and sleep.


If you are still looking for versatile products DIY tips which easily provide multiple benefits, then you will be intrigued by the potential of this powerful ingredient. Any guesses? Well, it is none other than nutmeg, also known as jaiphal. Recently, nutritionist Leema Mahajan shared the remarkable versatility of nutmegexplaining that “a simple pinch of …

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Cannabis and sleep: the do’s, don’ts and dream foods

Wana Optimals Fast Asleep Gummies

People have been using cannabis to help them sleep for millennia (yes, really). But anyone who has ever smoked an energizing sativa strain or woken up groggy after a night of THC-induced sleep knows that cannabis is not a infallible sleep aid. This is because its effects cannot be measured by THC content alone. Cannabis …

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A doctor regularly takes only one supplement. It can help with stress, anxiety and sleep.

Arnold Schwarzenegger worked on abdominal definition after losing a bodybuilding competition in 1968. Try these exercises to build yours.

Dr. Megan Bradley is a physician at the University of Pittsburgh. She only takes one supplement regularly: ashwagandha. Traditional Ayurvedic medicine is known to help reduce stress and anxiety. Loading Something is loading. Thanks for recording! Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed on the go. download the app Used for centuries in Ayurvedic …

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Consistent lack of sleep ‘may increase risk of future depressive symptoms’

Consistent lack of sleep 'may increase risk of future depressive symptoms'

Regularly sleeping less than five hours a night could increase the risk of depression, research suggests. Poor sleep has been seen in the past as a side effect of poor mental health, but the new study found that the link between sleep and mental illness is more complex. People with a stronger genetic predisposition to …

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Brain foods that you should eat over 40 for better concentration, mood and sleep

The healthiest thing to order at Starbucks, according to a nutritionist

As we age, many of our cognitive functions may begin to decline. This can include concentration, memory, energy levels, and more. You may even have trouble sleeping at night due to several factors, including hormonal changes. Fortunately, there are things you can do to keep your brain as sharp as ever, your mood in tip-top …

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