SAH: 3 people hospitalized after taking Modafinil and Armodafinil drugs to stay awake – Singapore News

SAH: 3 people hospitalized after taking Modafinil and Armodafinil drugs to stay awake - Singapore News

SINGAPORE: The Health Sciences Authority (HSA) of Singapore has issued a warning to the public against acquiring or consuming Modafinil and Armodafinil products without a prescription or medical supervision. This advisory follows alarming reports of three people hospitalized after taking Modafinil and Armodafinil due to serious adverse reactions after using these substances obtained from …

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How much coffee should the elderly drink? More than you think: read on

How much coffee should the elderly drink?  More than you think: read on

Get up and grind, coffee lovers, because it’s time to start brewing big. The average American coffee drinker consumes about three 8-ounce cups a day every day, but they need to consume just one more cup of coffee to reap the life-enhancing benefits of bean juice, according to new findings. A recent study published in …

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5 secrets for a long and happy life from the world’s newest blue zone

5 secrets for a long and happy life from the world's newest blue zone

Sian Ara, grief! Rest assured, the secrets to a long and happy life can be found in the world’s blue regions, which have lower rates of chronic disease and longer life expectancies. These areas include Sardinia, Italy. Okinawa, Japan; Loma Linda, California; Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica and Ikaria, Greece. A newer watershed, Singapore, has …

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