A Place At Homes, in-home care service for seniors opens in Englewood – Englewood Herald

A Place At Homes, in-home care service for seniors opens in Englewood - Englewood Herald

A Place At Home, a provider of non-medical in-home care for seniors, opened in Englewood on November 2. Owner Adriana Francis said At Place At Home is a non-medical health agency where people don’t come to us, we come to them, Francis said. This would be where our customers reside, which could potentially be their …

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Drug-free service in Troms, Norway, could soon close

Robert Whitaker

Tast spring, the Hurdalsjen Recovery Center in Norway, a private hospital that provided drug-free care to Norwegian psychiatric patients, had to close its doors due to a government decision to end public funding of private companies. Today, the drug-free ward at the sgrd hospital in Troms is threatened with closure. This six-bed ward was perhaps …

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