Getting prescription medications online is so easy. Are regulators paying attention?

Getting prescription medications online is so easy.  Are regulators paying attention?

It all started with a Google search for prescription medications I could get online. Almost immediately, ads from telehealth companies began pursuing me across the Internet, promising access to drugs to make me prettier, thinner, happier, and hornier. Several of these companies sell anti-aging creams. Although resolutely pro-aging, I don’t like the visible effects of …

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UK regulators warn of fake Ozempic pens linked to hospitalizations

UK regulators warn of fake Ozempic pens linked to hospitalizations

Britain’s health agency is warning the public not to buy pre-filled pens claiming to contain the weight loss drugs Ozempic and Saxenda without a prescription, after a small number of people were hospitalized. The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency said those hospitalized suffered serious side effects, including hypoglycemic shock and coma, indicating the pens …

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