Getting prescription medications online is so easy. Are regulators paying attention?

Getting prescription medications online is so easy.  Are regulators paying attention?

It all started with a Google search for prescription medications I could get online. Almost immediately, ads from telehealth companies began pursuing me across the Internet, promising access to drugs to make me prettier, thinner, happier, and hornier. Several of these companies sell anti-aging creams. Although resolutely pro-aging, I don’t like the visible effects of …

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Prescription of semaglutide has increased over the past year

Prescription of semaglutide has increased over the past year

Prescriptions for semaglutide jumped 150% in the past year, with an 80% increase in prescriptions written per provider, new data suggests. Among more than 350,000 prescribers in the national DrFirst network between December 2022 and June 2023, prescriptions for the Wegovy weight loss formulation increased sixfold while those for Ozempic, the lower dose version to …

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Do you have unused prescription medications? Event offers safe disposal options

Do you have unused prescription medications?  Event offers safe disposal options

Keith Srakocic, Associated Press People throw unnecessary medications into a trash can as part of the Drug Enforcement Agency’s National Prescription Drug Take Back Day initiative, Saturday, April 28, 2018, at the Allegheny County Police Department in McCandless, Wash. Pennsylvania. A release from the county said this year’s event involves people disposing of …

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Americans will spend half their lives taking prescription drugs, Penn State study finds

Americans will spend half their lives taking prescription drugs, Penn State study finds

If you’re American, you probably are using drugs or soon will be. A new study finds that people born today in the United States will spend about half their lives taking prescription drugs. And for women, that figure is closer to 60% of their lifetime. “The years people can expect to spend taking prescription drugs …

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