22 pill presses, 257 pill press parts; Fentanyl and Xylazine: Cincinnati CBP targets deadly imports


CINCINNATI In July, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) at the Port of Cincinnati participated in Operation Artemis, part of the Department of Defense’s intelligence analysis and application efforts. Homeland Security (DHS) aimed at disrupting the fentanyl supply chain. As part of the national response to the opioid crisis, DHS has launched several special operations …

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A common anti-anxiety pill taken by 16 million Americans isn’t very effective and its effectiveness has been greatly exaggerated, according to a Harvard analysis.

Xanax, also known as alprazolam, was approved by the FDA in 1981 and belongs to the benzodiazepine class, a group of depressant medications used to relieve anxiety.

It’s known to be addictive, harmful to the body, and carries the risk of overdose — and now scientists say Xanax might not even be that effective. Researchers from Harvard University and Oregon Health & Science University re-examined trials and studies investigating the effectiveness of Xanax in treating panic disorder. They found several examples of …

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New Weight Loss Drug Works Like an Exercise Pill

New Weight Loss Drug Works Like an Exercise Pill

The weight loss drug revolution appears to have truly arrived. For decades, there have been compounds available that reduce weight or strengthen muscles, but they always have dangerous side effects and worsen long-term health. The compensation simply wasn’t worth it. A weight loss pill still seemed far away. Now, drugs like Ozempic (semaglutide) and Mounjaro …

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The little blue pill can make it difficult…to see! 32-year-old man goes blind in one eye after using Viagra

This scan shows the damage caused by blocked blood vessels in the 32-year-old man's right eye.

A man suddenly went blind in one eye after taking Viagra and doctors believe the erectile dysfunction cure could be the cause. The 32-year-old Iranian took an exceptional dose of sildenafil, the main ingredient in the little blue pill. He lost the sight in his right eye almost immediately afterwards. Despite efforts to restore his …

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Is the 30-30-30 rule the magic pill for weight loss?


The 30-30-30 rule emphasizes a holistic, triple bottom line approach to weight loss, encompassing three essential components: exercise, nutrition, and mindfulness. Each element is crucial to creating a complete and effective strategy for a sustainable weight loss routine. Here’s a brief exploration of each component: Exercise is a critical component of any weight loss journey. …

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New weight loss drug acts like an ‘exercise pill’

New weight loss drug acts like an 'exercise pill'

The slimming drug revolution seems to have truly arrived. For decades, there have been compounds available to lose weight or improve muscle, but they have always led to dangerous side effects and worsening long-term health. The compromise just wasn’t worth it. A popular weight loss pill still seemed far away. Now, drugs like Ozempic (semaglutide) …

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