Try these 3 food options that contain 30 grams of protein

Try These 3 Meal Options Packed With 30 Grams Of Protein

Tofu is an excellent plant-based source of protein Protein is an essential macronutrient that should be an essential part of your daily diet. It is commonly believed that protein only helps in weight loss and muscle building. Well, it does a lot more than that. Protein is the building block of your body. It plays …

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6 Full-Body Short Circuit Options for Quick Fitness

U.S. Marine executes pull ups during a basic jungle skills course

Skipping a workout or struggling to squeeze in a quick fitness session happens all too often when life gets busy. But even if work, family, or other obligations start to pile up, consider the following quick circuit. This circuit is based on working the body’s muscle groups divided with push-pull-leg-core-cardio. It’s up to you which …

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Do you have unused prescription medications? Event offers safe disposal options

Do you have unused prescription medications?  Event offers safe disposal options

Keith Srakocic, Associated Press People throw unnecessary medications into a trash can as part of the Drug Enforcement Agency’s National Prescription Drug Take Back Day initiative, Saturday, April 28, 2018, at the Allegheny County Police Department in McCandless, Wash. Pennsylvania. A release from the county said this year’s event involves people disposing of …

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