Frank Sepe Unveils Marshmallow Crunchy Protein Bar at Olympia 2023 – Muscle & Fitness

Frank Sepe Unveils Marshmallow Crunchy Protein Bar at Olympia 2023 - Muscle & Fitness

Anyone who has ever been to a fitness expo knows that it exists Much Of the protein bars that are distributed and sampled and many of them taste more or less the same. But today, Olympia Expo attendees will be introduced to a brand new bar that doesn’t taste like any other: Frank Sepes Protein …

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Mediterranean diet plus exercise burns fat and adds muscle

Mediterranean diet plus exercise burns fat and adds muscle

Rich in colorful fruits and vegetables, healthy fats and lean proteins, a Mediterranean style of eating consistently receives praise for its long list of health benefits, including preventing heart disease and diabetes. Now, new research from Spain shows that this way of eating, when combined with regular exercise and fewer calories, can reduce dangerous abdominal …

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Magnetic workout mat helps muscle cells grow and work together

Magnetic workout mat helps muscle cells grow and work together

The researchers created a magnet-containing gel mat that simulates the mechanical forces exerted on muscle cells during exercise. The new training mat could help test treatments for people with muscle injuries and neuromuscular diseases or develop artificial muscles for use in soft robots. In the body, cells communicate through a combination of chemical, electrical and …

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The Ultimate Guide to Indoor Climbing for Beginners – Muscle and Fitness

The Ultimate Guide to Indoor Climbing for Beginners - Muscle and Fitness

Indoor climbing is no longer the fringe sport it once was. These days, climbing walls can be seen in numerous gyms across America as word spreads about the exhilarating, full-body workout (and fun) the sport provides. What may seem like a playground for adults, indoor rock climbing offers mental and physical training that will strengthen …

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