Biden administration, senators divided on how to move forward on border security – Missouri Independent

Biden administration, senators divided on how to move forward on border security - Missouri Independent

WASHINGTON Members of Congress and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas were at odds Wednesday over how lawmakers should improve border security, as they grapple with how to handle an emergency spending request from the White House. Mayorkas, speaking to the Senate Appropriations Committee, highlighted a sweeping proposal that President Joe Biden released early in his …

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This dumbbell move hits your arms, back, and chest at the same time

This dumbbell move hits your arms, back, and chest at the same time

Sure, a bench press can hit your chest and a lat pulldown will fire your back, but to hit both spots at once, the dumbbell pullover might be just the ticket. A heavy exercise that challenges both areas (plus your shoulders, arms, and rib cage muscles), the pullover is an upper-body smoker that you might …

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