Bridging the mental health care gap: Howland mother calls for better care, mourns son’s death

Bridging the mental health care gap: Howland mother calls for better care, mourns son's death

News Randall Fife struggled for years with mental health issues and, on the night of August 22, was shot and killed after a confrontation with police. It was a night of complete shock for the Fife family. Their beloved, Randall Fife, struggled for years with mental health issues and, on the night of August 22, …

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Emails from Maya Kowalski’s mother suggest she put her daughter in danger (lawyers)

Emails from Maya Kowalski's mother suggest she put her daughter in danger (lawyers)

Newly revealed writings by Maya Kowalski’s mother indicate she suffered from Munchausen syndrome by proxy and put her daughter’s life in danger, lawyers said this week. In a draft of a 2015 blog post, Beata Kowalski written in her daughter’s voice, she wrote that her ketamine-induced coma could lead to “total body failure/death.” Elsewhere, still …

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Ajwain for indigestion: My mother says carom seeds help eliminate many digestive problems

Ajwain for indigestion: My mother says carom seeds help eliminate many digestive problems

Having an upset stomach or indigestion is nothing new in the world, and it happens to everyone at least once in their life. When I was a child, I often had stomach aches and my mother would make me a carom seed drink which helped me get rid of this problem in no time. As …

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