Cow Milk vs. Buffalo Milk: Which is the Better Nutritional Source? | – Indian time

Cow Milk vs. Buffalo Milk: Which is the Better Nutritional Source?  |  - Indian time

The two most common types of milk consumed in India are cow and buffalo milk. Indian cuisine is heavily dependent on milk and its products. Not just for nutrition, milk has great religious significance in the country. From indulgent treats to sacred rituals, milk is widely used in the country. However, when the question arises …

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8 Amazing Reasons Why You Need to Add Turmeric Milk to Your Diet

8 Amazing Reasons Why You Need to Add Turmeric Milk to Your Diet

Turmeric may have a bitter smell, but the yellowish powder can turn any drink into a super drink due to its many properties. This is the reason why your grandmother always asked you to drink turmeric milk or golden milk before going to bed. Whether it is healing wounds or curing colds, turmeric milk has …

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