Gilley’s Kitchen Brings Kosher Food Back to Ormond Beach | Nazer local news

Gilley's Kitchen Brings Kosher Food Back to Ormond Beach |  Nazer local news

Until last year, Ormond Beach and its strong Jewish community could enjoy three different kosher restaurants in town. Then, they all closed. That’s when restaurant owner Ricky Ben Simon called. He and his wife’s cousin, Chef Gilly Ben Simon, have been running a kosher restaurant in Jacksonville since 2017. “In the Jewish community, if you …

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4 foods that a nutritionist keeps in his kitchen so he can always prepare a quick and healthy meal.

Arnold Schwarzenegger worked on abdominal definition after losing a bodybuilding competition in 1968. Try these exercises to build yours.

Kate Hilton is a registered dietitian who fights misinformation about diets on TikTok. She told Insider that she keeps the essentials in her kitchen so she can always prepare healthy meals. She keeps various sources of protein, carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables in her kitchen. Upload Something is loading. Thank you for your registration! Access your …

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