State on track to improve dental care – CommonWealth Magazine

State on track to improve dental care - CommonWealth Magazine

DESPITE THE CLEAR link between oral health care and an individual’s overall health, approximately one-third of all U.S. adults ages 19 to 64 lack dental insurance. As a practicing dentist in Quincy, I am fortunate to see many patients with coverage, although barely a day goes by that I don’t hear an insurance war story. …

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Clinicians can improve suicide care for pregnant and postpartum patients

An instructor in a white medical coat lectures to a classroom of nursing students in front of a white board and model of a skeleton.

With suicide rates increasing in the United States, communities must use every tool available to identify those at risk so they can be connected to the care they need. Earlier this year, Georgia Public Broadcasting (GPB) worked directly with the state’s health care providers to help increase suicide risk screening among pregnant and postpartum people, …

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Try these abdominal exercises to strengthen your core and improve your overall health

Try These Ab Exercises To Strengthen Your Core & Boost Your Overall Health

Planks can strengthen your core and improve overall health Having a strong core is essential for overall strength, stability, and postural alignment. To help you strengthen your core and improve your overall health, below are some effective abdominal exercises, along with instructions on how to perform them correctly. Abdominal exercises to help strengthen your core …

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Improve Fitness, Strength, and Brain Function: Walk This Way

Improve Fitness, Strength, and Brain Function: Walk This Way

Even if you hate exercise and the thought of running or lifting weights sends shivers down your spine, there is a simple way to improve your health: walking. Scientific studies have consistently linked walking to improved physiological markers, including heart health, mental well-being, cognitive function and increased longevity. Walking thousands of steps daily is …

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No time to go out? Even watching nature videos can improve mental health: study

No time to go out?  Even watching nature videos can improve mental health: study

If you don’t have time for a relaxing walk in the woods, try a nature video instead. A new study found that watching even a brief video of nature scenes significantly improved viewers’ mental health, especially compared to the effect of watching scenes of urban environments. The researchers focused on late adolescence, a period of …

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Herbal extract may improve mild dementia thanks to study on ginseng, ginkgo biloba and crocus sativus

Herbal extract may improve mild dementia thanks to study on ginseng, ginkgo biloba and crocus sativus

Growing medicinal herbs, ginseng and bloodroot – by Forest Farming, CC license Scientists conducted clinical trials on the effects of a plant extract on mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and found that the plant extract improved participants’ memory in less than three months. Sailuotong (SLT) is an herbal preparation containing standardized extracts of Panax ginseng, Ginkgo …

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These 3 Exercises May Improve Brain Health as You Age, According to New Research

These 3 Exercises May Improve Brain Health as You Age, According to New Research

Want to keep your brain as healthy as possible as you age? Aerobic exercise may be the key. Reviewed by registered dietitian Jessica Ball, MS, RD The harsh truth is that we are all bound to experience some degree of cognitive decline as we age. In fact, most people tend to feel the effects of …

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New York City to Strengthen Club Services to Improve Mental Health Treatment


Clubhouses is a mental health service that a New York City official said was “right under our noses” for more than 75 years. The model invites people suffering from depression and other mental health issues into a temporary home where they are surrounded by peers and counselors and receive resources for their issues as well …

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The Army is working to improve physical training and mental health care for its dogs

Military working dogs acclimate to helicopter flight

The Army revamped its health and wellness program for soldiers in 2020, dubbing it “Holistic Health and Fitness,” or H2F. There, the service entered doctrine on how soldiers should take care of themselves, including adequate sleep, nutrition, exercise and mental health. Now the Army is doing the same with its working dogs, a force of …

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Walking, grapes and fishing may improve your health. Here’s what you need to know.

Walking, grapes and fishing may improve your health.  Here's what you need to know.

There is a lot of health and wellness news out there. Here are some of this week’s health headlines and what you can take away from them to better impact your health. Walkable neighborhoods may reduce cancer risk in women A recent study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives that followed 14,000 women over …

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