Along with these 7 other foods, bananas can help you sleep better

Along with these 7 other foods, bananas can help you sleep better

You may sleep on a banana. The yellow fruit has many benefits, from boosting energy to reducing bloating, but it turns out that a simple banana may be the little-known secret to getting more Zzzs. According to the Sleep Charity, which has published tips for people hoping to get a better night’s rest, eating a …

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3 delicious snacks you can eat all winter while staying fit, according to a nutritionist

The healthiest thing to order at Starbucks, according to a nutritionist

Getting fit doesn’t mean giving up snacks altogether. Of course, it’s important to limit your intake of processed foods high in salt and low in fiber if a healthier body is your goal. But luckily, there are plenty of nutritious options that can keep you full, satisfy your cravings, and help you achieve the body …

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Worst Wendys Menu Items Health Experts Say You Should Never Order #2 Over 1,200 Calories!

The healthiest thing to order at Starbucks, according to a nutritionist

Wendy’s has some of the tastiest food out there, but unfortunately, there’s no denying that all those delicious burgers and crispy fries can come with serious health risks. And while you’re probably not moving because you’re craving something particularly healthy, it’s a good idea to consider the impact of what you’re putting into your body. …

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Scientist Solves ‘Good Carbs vs. Bad Carbs’ Debate Here’s What You Should Really Be Eating

Scientist Solves 'Good Carbs vs. Bad Carbs' Debate Here's What You Should Really Be Eating

Time to go against the grain? The good vs. bad carbs debate has long plagued foodies, and new research published in Frontiers in Nutrition reveals which carbs to choose when you eat. “It’s tempting to think of all carbohydrate foods as interchangeable,” study author Keith Ayub, professor emeritus at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in …

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Nutritionists agree: this is the healthiest way to make toast

The healthiest thing to order at Starbucks, according to a nutritionist

Toast is one of the most popular choices for breakfast. After all, who doesn’t love good old bread? Fortunately, there are plenty of opportunities to make this dish just as healthy and delicious. It goes without saying that simply eating carbs and butter in the morning won’t set you up for the best day ahead, …

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Lasting foods: what to eat for a longer and healthier life

Lasting foods: what to eat for a longer and healthier life

Studies have proven that if you start young, eating a balanced diet is the easiest way to add years and even decades to your life. Even with this knowledge, sometimes, it’s not always easy to resist the allure of junk food. Because it is delicious and addictive, it overwhelms the senses as it secretly damages …

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Experts say the best dessert to eat if you want to reduce your risk of heart disease

The healthiest thing to order at Starbucks, according to a nutritionist

Keeping your body healthy doesn’t mean you have to give up dessert altogether! While there are certainly plenty of sweet desserts to skip, there are also some great options that are as delicious as they are healthy. Choosing nutritious desserts can be a great way to satisfy your cravings and keep you healthy. In fact, …

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Brain foods that you should eat over 40 for better concentration, mood and sleep

The healthiest thing to order at Starbucks, according to a nutritionist

As we age, many of our cognitive functions may begin to decline. This can include concentration, memory, energy levels, and more. You may even have trouble sleeping at night due to several factors, including hormonal changes. Fortunately, there are things you can do to keep your brain as sharp as ever, your mood in tip-top …

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Expert: The secret to weight loss is eating with the non-dominant hand

Expert: The secret to weight loss is eating with the non-dominant hand

This amazing weight loss claim can be made Handy A British psychologist is raising eyebrows after suggesting that eating with the non-dominant hand may lead to weight loss. Professor Richard Wiseman, who teaches at the University of Hertfordshire, made the claim on the ‘On Your Mind’ podcast this week, saying the practice is likely to …

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