5 ways to make green bean bowl healthier – Health News Center

Should you stick to the traditional green bean casserole recipe on Thanksgiving? Or find new ways to add nutritional value to the dish?

It’s become as much of a Thanksgiving staple as squash and carrots, but your favorite green bean casserole isn’t as healthy as many others. But before you tear up your menu, consider the advice of Melissa Kinney, RDN, director of clinical nutrition at St. Vincent’s Medical Center. At special meals like Thanksgiving, he says, all …

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A study shows that cutting calories by up to 12% can help people live healthier and longer lives.

A study shows that cutting calories by up to 12% can help people live healthier and longer lives.

A 12% reduction in calorie intake can increase your life by increasing energy and rejuvenating muscles. Cutting calories while maintaining vitamin and mineral levels, known as a calorie-restricted diet, also reduces inflammation and boosts metabolism, according to a new long-term study. It has long been known that calorie restriction delays the progression of age-related diseases …

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Lasting foods: what to eat for a longer and healthier life

Lasting foods: what to eat for a longer and healthier life

Studies have proven that if you start young, eating a balanced diet is the easiest way to add years and even decades to your life. Even with this knowledge, sometimes, it’s not always easy to resist the allure of junk food. Because it is delicious and addictive, it overwhelms the senses as it secretly damages …

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Does homemade rosemary water really make your hair shinier, healthier and grow faster?

Does homemade rosemary water really make your hair shinier, healthier and grow faster?

News / Pictures / Way of life / Does homemade rosemary water really make your hair shinier, healthier and grow faster? Published on October 24, 2023 at 07:00 IST When considering using homemade rosemary water, here are a few things to consider to make your hair shinier, healthier, and grow faster. …Learn more 1 / …

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Which is healthier: butter or margarine?

Which is healthier: butter or margarine?

GREENVILLE, SC (WSPA) – Butter and margarine are both popular spreads, but what’s the difference between the two? Also, which one is healthier? In this week’s Ask the Expert, we spoke to a nutritionist who breaks it down. Butter and margarine – different origins, ingredients and effects on your health. “Butter and margarine both contain …

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