Dear Winter, I’m feeling gloomy: How writing a letter for the season or sitting by a window helps beat the blues

Around 3 percent of adults suffer from seasonal, or sad, affective disorder, according to the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

3 percent of adults experience seasonal affective disorder during the winter season By Victoria Allen, science editor Published: 8:19 p.m. EDT, October 22, 2023 | Update: 3:29 a.m. EDT, October 23, 2023 As winter approaches, with its gloomy days and longer nights, it’s no wonder we can feel a little down. But experts may have …

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Stress vs. anxiety: the difference and how to know what you’re feeling

Stress vs. anxiety: the difference and how to know what you're feeling

We all have a limited number of resources in various areas, such as time, money, emotional strength, and the social capital of friendships. All of these elements facilitate our ability to meet the demands of life events. When the demands placed on us exceed these resources, we experience stress. In a simple analogy: if you …

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