Droguera Betances faces civil action for failure to report controlled opioids and its sales

Droguera Betances faces civil action for failure to report controlled opioids and its sales

Droguera Betances is a regional pharmaceutical distributor serving Puerto Rico and other areas of the Caribbean. (Credit: Google) The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Puerto Rico filed a civil action against Droguera Betances LLC, claiming it failed to report hundreds of suspicious orders for controlled substances to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and failed to report …

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The two faces of stress: developing resilience and recognizing overload – Neuroscience News

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Summary: Stress, a reaction to demands, is not universally negative; this has its advantages. The positive side, eustress, can promote well-being and resilience. Researchers point out that the difference between helpful and harmful stress is largely a matter of perception and bodily response. However, chronic stress affects all organs and can cause anxiety, depression and …

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