Experts warn about the hidden dangers of eating burnt toast

Experts warn about the hidden dangers of eating burnt toast

While it would be a very foolish move with most foods, many people prefer to burn their toast. To be honest, I personally don’t see the appeal in making my toast look like a lump of coal, but there’s no doubt that a lot of people enjoy it. But while many enjoy burnt toast first …

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Worst Wendys Menu Items Health Experts Say You Should Never Order #2 Over 1,200 Calories!

The healthiest thing to order at Starbucks, according to a nutritionist

Wendy’s has some of the tastiest food out there, but unfortunately, there’s no denying that all those delicious burgers and crispy fries can come with serious health risks. And while you’re probably not moving because you’re craving something particularly healthy, it’s a good idea to consider the impact of what you’re putting into your body. …

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Are you eating enough of this healthy diet? It comes in a can, but experts swear it’s essential

Are you eating enough of this healthy diet?  It comes in a can, but experts swear it's essential

When most people think of so-called “superfoods” recommended for healthy living, something out of the can usually doesn’t come to mind. But one expert says there’s one supermarket staple that’s an important part of any balanced diet, and most of us don’t eat enough of it. Dr. Michael Moseley told the Daily Mail: “Cans of …

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Why do you crave chocolate? Experts share a possible health reason

Why do you crave chocolate?  Experts share a possible health reason

Chocolate Cravings: Have you been experiencing constant chocolate cravings lately? Do you find yourself wandering around your kitchen looking for chocolate at odd hours? Does it make you crave chocolate? Trust us, it’s more than just your love of chocolate. In fact, according to health experts, it could be a lack of certain nutrients in …

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Experts call for overhaul of pharmaceutical policies to ensure drug safety

Experts call for overhaul of pharmaceutical policies to ensure drug safety

Health experts in Poland have issued recommendations to the government calling for specific measures to increase drug safety and boost domestic production. Medicine safety encompasses the entire journey of pharmaceutical products, from production facilities to the hands of patients in pharmacies and hospitals. This goes beyond just manufacturing medicines, as Ukasz Szmulski, director of the …

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2 foods that clog arteries Experts urge you to stop ordering at restaurants because they are bad for your heart

The healthiest thing to order at Starbucks, according to a nutritionist

Going out to eat at a restaurant can be a great way to celebrate a special event, spend time with loved ones, or simply treat yourself to a delicious meal. However, if you’re trying to stay as healthy as possible and watch what you eat, it can be difficult to know what to order. Fortunately, …

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AI not ready for prime-time use in mental health care, experts say

AI not ready for prime-time use in mental health care, experts say

Although several uses of artificial intelligence in mental health are seeing some success, experts say it’s still unclear whether it can be used on a larger scale. Therapists use AI to review large amounts of patient data, including family history, patient behaviors, and treatment response, to aid in diagnosis and treatment identification, as well as …

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Could the massive closure of pharmacies worsen the fentanyl crisis? Experts warn of environment creating ‘breeding ground’ for counterfeit, laced pills

Could the massive closure of pharmacies worsen the fentanyl crisis?  Experts warn of environment creating 'breeding ground' for counterfeit, laced pills

Experts warn that more people could be exposed to fake pills potentially containing deadly substances due to mass pharmacy closures. Roei Ganzarski, who runs a company that detects counterfeit drugs, said many patients were now forced to fill their prescriptions online. This creates a “breeding ground” for counterfeit pills, he said, because it increases the …

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Experts say the best dessert to eat if you want to reduce your risk of heart disease

The healthiest thing to order at Starbucks, according to a nutritionist

Keeping your body healthy doesn’t mean you have to give up dessert altogether! While there are certainly plenty of sweet desserts to skip, there are also some great options that are as delicious as they are healthy. Choosing nutritious desserts can be a great way to satisfy your cravings and keep you healthy. In fact, …

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