A common anti-anxiety pill taken by 16 million Americans isn’t very effective and its effectiveness has been greatly exaggerated, according to a Harvard analysis.

Xanax, also known as alprazolam, was approved by the FDA in 1981 and belongs to the benzodiazepine class, a group of depressant medications used to relieve anxiety.

It’s known to be addictive, harmful to the body, and carries the risk of overdose — and now scientists say Xanax might not even be that effective. Researchers from Harvard University and Oregon Health & Science University re-examined trials and studies investigating the effectiveness of Xanax in treating panic disorder. They found several examples of …

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Rosuvastatin, atorvastatin: similar effectiveness in LODESTAR, some different signals

Rosuvastatin, atorvastatin: similar effectiveness in LODESTAR, some different signals

This secondary analysis showed more diabetes and cataracts, but more effective treatment of LDL cholesterol with rosuvastatin. Among people with coronary artery disease, rosuvastatin and atorvastatin are both effective in reducing all-cause death, MI, stroke or any coronary revascularization over 3 years, analysis shows secondary study of the LODESTAR trial. Notably, although the former was …

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Dear Doctor: Can delivering prescriptions by mail affect the effectiveness of medications in extreme heat?

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DEAR DR. ROACH: I’ve been worried for some time whether my prescriptions that arrive in the mail are compromised because they sit in vehicles with the sun beating through the windows and heating them up. Additionally, the plastic bottles in which prescriptions are stored release toxic emissions when they burn in the sun. Instructions that …

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Mail order medications may lose their effectiveness if not stored properly

Dr. Keith Roach

Dr. Keith Roach Dear Dr. Roach:I have been worried for some time whether my prescriptions that arrive in the mail are compromised, since they sit in vehicles with the sun beating through the windows and heating them up. Additionally, the plastic bottles in which prescriptions are stored release toxic emissions when they burn in the …

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