3 quick and easy heart-healthy recipes for a complete meal

3 quick and easy heart-healthy recipes for a complete meal

Prioritizing heart health doesn’t have to mean spending valuable time in the midst of daily chaos. It’s easy to eat junk food when you’re busy and don’t have time to prepare food. You can have a home-cooked dinner every night of the week. No need for pans, hours of prep, fancy ingredients or fancy cooking …

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8 easy ways to get more fiber

8 easy ways to get more fiber

If you’re like most Americans, you probably don’t get enough fiber in your diet. Only 7% of Americans eat enough fiber. “Fiber deficiency is truly epidemic,” says Michael Greger, MD, director of nutritionfacts.org and author of the forthcoming book. How not to grow old. Fiber is the part of plant foods that your body cannot …

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Busy schedule? Try these 5 easy tips for healthy eating on the go

Busy schedule?  Try these 5 easy tips for healthy eating on the go

Nutrition Tips for the Pros (Photo Credit: iStock) Nutrition Tips for the Pros: Imagine preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner between a busy schedule – the thought sounds terrifying, doesn’t it? We know that in the hustle and bustle of a fast-paced work life, nutrition often takes second place. It is precisely when you fast for …

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Getting prescription medications online is so easy. Are regulators paying attention?

Getting prescription medications online is so easy.  Are regulators paying attention?

It all started with a Google search for prescription medications I could get online. Almost immediately, ads from telehealth companies began pursuing me across the Internet, promising access to drugs to make me prettier, thinner, happier, and hornier. Several of these companies sell anti-aging creams. Although resolutely pro-aging, I don’t like the visible effects of …

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5 Ways You’re Sabotaging Your Walking Workouts and Easy Expert Solutions

5 Ways You're Sabotaging Your Walking Workouts and Easy Expert Solutions

When it comes to enjoyable and economical exercise, walking can’t be beat. Going for a walk around your neighborhood, block, or local park has been found to reduce your risk of heart disease, strengthen your joints and heart, and even improve your mood. But before you lace up your shoes and head out the door, …

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Quick and easy safety cube recipes, plus nutrient-dense foods to stay healthy

Quick and easy safety cube recipes, plus nutrient-dense foods to stay healthy

As the winter weather approaches, immune-boosting foods are a great way to stay healthy through cold and flu season. Nicole Keshishian Modik, cookbook author and creator of the popular dish, shares her simple recipe, which is packed with ingredients to help support a healthy immune system. “I adapted the Winter Safety Smoothie from my blog …

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