Adopt a rescue dog? Here’s what you need to know about pet insurance

Adopt a rescue dog?  Here's what you need to know about pet insurance

Adopting a rescue or shelter dog not only gives a home to an animal in need. It can be a playmate for your kids, a jogging buddy for you, and a loyal companion for everyone to snuggle up with on the couch. But a new pet can also come with unexpected vet bills, which is …

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The Army is working to improve physical training and mental health care for its dogs

Military working dogs acclimate to helicopter flight

The Army revamped its health and wellness program for soldiers in 2020, dubbing it “Holistic Health and Fitness,” or H2F. There, the service entered doctrine on how soldiers should take care of themselves, including adequate sleep, nutrition, exercise and mental health. Now the Army is doing the same with its working dogs, a force of …

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