Scientist Solves ‘Good Carbs vs. Bad Carbs’ Debate Here’s What You Should Really Be Eating

Scientist Solves 'Good Carbs vs. Bad Carbs' Debate Here's What You Should Really Be Eating

Time to go against the grain? The good vs. bad carbs debate has long plagued foodies, and new research published in Frontiers in Nutrition reveals which carbs to choose when you eat. “It’s tempting to think of all carbohydrate foods as interchangeable,” study author Keith Ayub, professor emeritus at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in …

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Insurance coverage of procedure to restore sensation after mastectomy is under debate

Insurance coverage of procedure to restore sensation after mastectomy is under debate

NEW YORK (WABC)– There’s a new procedure to help women who have a mastectomy continue to feel sensation in their chest, but Eyewitness News found not all insurance companies will cover it. The procedure, called nerve grafting, involves using nerve tissue to fill a gap between damaged nerves, restoring sensation. During a mastectomy, nerves may …

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Does rental accelerate biological aging? New study sparks debate on housing policy

Study: Are housing circumstances associated with faster epigenetic ageing?. Image Credit: ADragan / Shutterstock

The biological impact of renting, as opposed to owner occupation, is almost double that of unemployment. against having paid employment, the results suggest. Fortunately, these effects are reversible, highlighting the importance of housing policy in improving health, the researchers say. Many aspects of housing are associated with physical and mental health, including cold, mold, overcrowding, …

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