Emails from Maya Kowalski’s mother suggest she put her daughter in danger (lawyers)

Emails from Maya Kowalski's mother suggest she put her daughter in danger (lawyers)

Newly revealed writings by Maya Kowalski’s mother indicate she suffered from Munchausen syndrome by proxy and put her daughter’s life in danger, lawyers said this week. In a draft of a 2015 blog post, Beata Kowalski written in her daughter’s voice, she wrote that her ketamine-induced coma could lead to “total body failure/death.” Elsewhere, still …

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I ordered a gluten-free cake for my daughter so I could eat a piece: now I’m “selfish”

Mum concerned about 6-year-old’s Halloween costume

Parents put a lot of thought and effort (and money) into giving their children wonderful birthday parties – especially for their first birthday. So it makes sense that hard-working moms, who are usually the organizers, have something special for themselves, like a piece of cake. Well, at least that’s what one mum thought she deserved …

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