Some states are suing social media over mental health concerns. Here’s what you need to know

Some states are suing social media over mental health concerns.  Here's what you need to know

Scroll, double-tap to like, and scroll again. We’ve all been there: whether you’re putting off that pile of material on your desk or just finding a way to save time on the car ride home from a dance session, scrolling through your Flow may seem like a harmless procrastination tactic or quick fix to boredom. …

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Cannabis: Recommended dose of CBD reduced in UK due to safety concerns

Cannabis: Recommended dose of CBD reduced in UK due to safety concerns

Since 2018, when the British parliament passed a law legalizing CBD, the non-psychoactive component of cannabis, sales of CBD-related products have skyrocketed. Today you can buy CBD oil, CBD vape pens, CBD coffee, CBD muffins to accompany your CBD coffee. And these products are often sold with various vague promises of improving well-being. As CBD, …

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