Legumes significantly improve the nutritional profile of the American diet

Legumes significantly improve the nutritional profile of the American diet

A recent study published in NutrientsAn open-access scientific journal shows that swapping legumes for small amounts of conventional protein sources and refined grains significantly improves the nutritional profile of the American diet. This new research adds to the growing body of evidence showing the multiple benefits of including legumes as part of a healthy diet. …

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8 easy ways to get more fiber

8 easy ways to get more fiber

If you’re like most Americans, you probably don’t get enough fiber in your diet. Only 7% of Americans eat enough fiber. “Fiber deficiency is truly epidemic,” says Michael Greger, MD, director of nutritionfacts.org and author of the forthcoming book. How not to grow old. Fiber is the part of plant foods that your body cannot …

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New diet to reduce bad cholesterol? How Avocados, Nuts, and Legumes Can Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease


Written by Dr. Pradeep Haranahalli Diet plays an important role in reducing cholesterol levels. Hence, when we talk about lowering cholesterol, the first therapeutic course of action is lifestyle modification therapy that includes exercise and diet, followed by medications if lifestyle changes fail. The American Heart Association recommends ten fat-loss diets or heart-healthy diets. Meanwhile, …

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Five great winter warming foods that lower cholesterol

Five great winter warming foods that lower cholesterol

High cholesterol levels are often the result of poor dietary choices, but smart dietary modifications can act as an antidote to the culprit. Luckily, Dr. Sunny Patel, of Dish Dash Deets, shared with Express.co.uk a list of warming foods to add to your cholesterol-lowering winter menu. 1. Porridge Porridge, which is served in many UK …

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How to Lower Cholesterol with Ayurveda: 10 Herbs to Reduce Bad LDL Cholesterol Naturally Without Drugs

How To Lower Cholesterol With Ayurveda: 10 Herbs To Naturally Lower LDL Bad Cholesterol Without Medication

How to Lower Cholesterol with Ayurveda: 10 Herbs to Naturally Eliminate Bad LDL Cholesterol Do you suffer from high cholesterol? Try adding these 10 Ayurvedic herbs to your daily routine to naturally lower your bad cholesterol levels at home. High cholesterol is a serious health problem in which the cholesterol level in the body reaches …

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