New diet to reduce bad cholesterol? How Avocados, Nuts, and Legumes Can Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease


Written by Dr. Pradeep Haranahalli Diet plays an important role in reducing cholesterol levels. Hence, when we talk about lowering cholesterol, the first therapeutic course of action is lifestyle modification therapy that includes exercise and diet, followed by medications if lifestyle changes fail. The American Heart Association recommends ten fat-loss diets or heart-healthy diets. Meanwhile, …

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Good Protein vs. Bad Protein: Choose the right protein for overall health

Good Protein vs. Bad Protein: Choose the right protein for overall health

Whether you want to get rock hard abs, a lean body, or simply get fit, it doesn’t happen overnight. In addition, it requires a good exercise program and a healthy diet that includes protein. Protein has been an essential part of every nutrition discussion out there! As more and more people focus on healthy eating …

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How to Lower Cholesterol with Ayurveda: 10 Herbs to Reduce Bad LDL Cholesterol Naturally Without Drugs

How To Lower Cholesterol With Ayurveda: 10 Herbs To Naturally Lower LDL Bad Cholesterol Without Medication

How to Lower Cholesterol with Ayurveda: 10 Herbs to Naturally Eliminate Bad LDL Cholesterol Do you suffer from high cholesterol? Try adding these 10 Ayurvedic herbs to your daily routine to naturally lower your bad cholesterol levels at home. High cholesterol is a serious health problem in which the cholesterol level in the body reaches …

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Scientist Solves ‘Good Carbs vs. Bad Carbs’ Debate Here’s What You Should Really Be Eating

Scientist Solves 'Good Carbs vs. Bad Carbs' Debate Here's What You Should Really Be Eating

Time to go against the grain? The good vs. bad carbs debate has long plagued foodies, and new research published in Frontiers in Nutrition reveals which carbs to choose when you eat. “It’s tempting to think of all carbohydrate foods as interchangeable,” study author Keith Ayub, professor emeritus at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in …

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2 foods that clog arteries Experts urge you to stop ordering at restaurants because they are bad for your heart

The healthiest thing to order at Starbucks, according to a nutritionist

Going out to eat at a restaurant can be a great way to celebrate a special event, spend time with loved ones, or simply treat yourself to a delicious meal. However, if you’re trying to stay as healthy as possible and watch what you eat, it can be difficult to know what to order. Fortunately, …

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A successful French psychologist is sparking outcry over her claims that children as young as one should be sent to their rooms, single parents cannot impose discipline and some attention disorders are just “bad parenting practices”.

Psychologist Caroline Goldman has faced heavy criticism in France for her belief that an

By Jessica Green for Mailonline Published: 2:35 p.m. EDT, October 19, 2023 | Update: 2:51 p.m. EDT, October 19, 2023 A psychologist has been the subject of strong criticism in France after denouncing American-inspired “gentle parenting”. Caroline Goldman believes that a “child insurrection” is occurring in the European country due to parenting style, as it …

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