Your Phone’s Constant Ping Is Giving You Anxiety


Have you ever wondered why you can’t stop going back to your phone to check how many people have liked your Instagram post? Or seen your IG stories? Every day we receive hundreds of smartphone notifications. Designed to distract us, these interruptions capture and monetize our time and attention. “While smartphones are incredibly useful, their …

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Harriette Cole: They think I’m lying about my mental health issues

Harriette Cole: They think I'm lying about my mental health issues

DEAR HARRIETTE: I am a 17 year old high school student. I have suffered from mental health issues for some time now. Unfortunately, my parents don’t seem to believe that I’m in trouble. They accuse me of exaggerating and even outright lying about my feelings. I understand that it can be difficult to understand for …

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Kendall Jenner Gets Serious About Her ‘Guilt’ Over 19 Years of Struggling With Anxiety: ‘We All Have S—‘ (Exclusive)

Kendall Jenner Gets Serious About Her 'Guilt' Over 19 Years of Struggling With Anxiety: 'We All Have S---' (Exclusive)

The Kardashian star and self-proclaimed “control freak” opens up about the years when she had “no idea” what was weighing on her and pleads for “a little compassion.” Kendall Jenner is honest about how much her anxiety has affected her conscience. The 27-year-old model speaks anxiously about her story and reveals she couldn’t put her …

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Young adults in Generation Z face twice as much depression and anxiety as teenagers, Harvard report finds

Young adults in Generation Z face twice as much depression and anxiety as teenagers, Harvard report finds

Young adults in the United States suffer from anxiety and depression at twice the rate of adolescents, and more than half say their lives lack meaning or purpose, according to a new report from Harvard University. The report, titled “On Edge: Understanding and Preventing Mental Health Problems in Young Adults,” was released Tuesday by the …

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Racial minorities and first-generation students reported higher rates of depression and anxiety during the pandemic, new study finds

Racial minorities and first-generation students reported higher rates of depression and anxiety during the pandemic, new study finds

The Covid-19 pandemic has taken a toll on the mental health of many students. A new study found that cases of depression and anxiety were even worse among racial minority students in their schools. According to the University of Georgia study, more than half of students at a predominantly white university who identified as non-white …

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Facing their fears: VR glasses will be used to treat teenagers with anxiety and depression

Sarah Ostadabbas sets up a camera for a sleep study.

Rates of depression and anxiety, high even before COVID-19, have increased in recent years thanks to the pandemic. The World Health Organization estimates that these diseases affect a quarter of the world’s population and cost the global economy $1 trillion per year. Treatment includes talk therapy, but much can be done within the confines of …

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High Functional Anxiety: 7 Subtle Signs You May Be Struggling and Ways to Cope

High Functioning Anxiety: 7 Subtle Signs You Might Be Struggling And Ways to Cope up

Home Health High Functional Anxiety: 7 Subtle Signs You May Be Struggling and Ways to Cope Like most mental health conditions, anxiety can manifest in a variety of ways, including high-functioning anxiety. Dealing with this condition can be difficult, and in this article we’ll explore what high-functioning anxiety is, its signs, and much more. High-functioning …

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A doctor regularly takes only one supplement. It can help with stress, anxiety and sleep.

Arnold Schwarzenegger worked on abdominal definition after losing a bodybuilding competition in 1968. Try these exercises to build yours.

Dr. Megan Bradley is a physician at the University of Pittsburgh. She only takes one supplement regularly: ashwagandha. Traditional Ayurvedic medicine is known to help reduce stress and anxiety. Loading Something is loading. Thanks for recording! Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed on the go. download the app Used for centuries in Ayurvedic …

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Mayo Clinic Q&A: High-functioning anxiety

Mayo Clinic Q&A: High-functioning anxiety

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have always been very successful, both personally and professionally. But I struggle with a whirlwind of worries and thoughts, constantly questioning myself and striving for perfection. I’ve heard the term high functioning anxiety and it feels like that’s what I’m experiencing. How can I navigate and cope with this? ANSWER: It’s …

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Trauma generation: Almost all Israeli children report symptoms of anxiety

Trauma generation: Almost all Israeli children report symptoms of anxiety

Nearly 90% of children who visit their healthcare providers at pediatric hospitals report symptoms of anxiety, a phenomenon stemming from the ongoing war. At the same time, doctors note a reduction in symptoms typical of this period, such as colds, fever and flu, as children do not attend nurseries and educational institutions, reducing the risk …

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