Why Seasonal Affective Disorder Affects Some More Than Others

Why Seasonal Affective Disorder Affects Some More Than Others

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (KY3) – According to the American Psychiatric Association, about five percent of adults will experience seasonal depression, lasting about 40 percent of the year. ‘ Our bodies’ natural biological rhythms aren’t in sync with natural light and day cycles, says Barbara Bumberry, a family medicine physician at Mercy Health. Winter blues, cabin fever, …

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COLUMN: How moving to Oregon affects Medicare enrollment – Salem Reporter

COLUMN: How moving to Oregon affects Medicare enrollment - Salem Reporter

It’s always nice to see family members helping each other in difficult circumstances. In this case, Medicare insurance was the challenge. A Salem area woman was helping her brother who lives in a neighboring state make decisions about insurance and living arrangements. She made an appointment with a volunteer advisor from Senior Health Insurance Benefits …

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