No! Pomegranate and beetroot are not the best sources of iron for the body. Why here?

The recommended amount of iron in the diet is usually about 10 mg per day. Given that many suggest inclusion Beet And Pomegranate In their diet, in addition, since their color is red, they are useful for dealing with iron deficiency anemia by increasing blood in the body.

But nutritionist Juhi Kapoor emphasized that they are not the best sources of iron.

It is a big misconception that beets and pomegranates are rich sources of iron. In fact, beets have only 0.76 mg of iron per 100 grams, and pomegranates have only 0.31 mg of iron per 100 grams, which makes up both of them. edibles Kapur said: Poor sources of iron.

He also pointed out that the dark red color is actually due to natural pigments or polyphenols, and therefore this dark red color has nothing to do with its iron content.

Dr. Dilip Goud, Senior Consultant Physician, Yashoda Hospital, Hyderabad, agreed and shared that beetroot contains a lot of vitamin A, more than the recommended daily amount. Fat soluble nature Vitamin A It can create a permanent excess deposit that may be difficult to dispose of. High levels of beets may cause a drop in blood pressure and may cause mild allergic reactions. Also, the high calcium oxalate in beets may block calcium absorption, increase the risk of kidney stones and cause stomach upset, Dr. Good said.

Food has two types of iron

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1) Heme – found in meat, fish and chicken. It is easily absorbed by the body, Kalra explained. “Usually 30 percent is absorbed,” Kalera said.

2) Non-heme iron – found in fruits, vegetables and nuts. But the iron in these foods is not fully absorbed. Generally 2 to 10% is only absorbed by the body.

But remember, this does not mean that beets and pomegranates do not help you make iron. “It definitely helps you make red blood cells, but slowly,” says nutritionist Prerna Kalera.

Pomegranate do you have pomegranate (Source: Freepik)

What are the best sources of iron?

Some of the best sources of iron include organ meats (liver, etc.). According to Dr. Goode, meats such as chicken, lamb, shellfish, oysters, and clams are excellent sources of iron in the diet.

According to Dr. Good, broccoli, string beans, dark leafy greens such as dandelion greens, kale, collards and spinach, prunes, Raisins and apricots, eggs, beans, nuts, peas, lentils, and tofu All are rich in iron and are highly encouraged. These foods have at least 3 times the recommended dietary iron than pomegranate/beetroot and are therefore highly recommended, said Dr. Good.

What should be considered? Whenever you eat iron-rich foods, don’t forget to include foods rich in vitamin C, such as tomatoes, citrus fruits, and red and yellow bell peppers, which help iron absorb better.

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