Unhealthy food combinations: 4 foods you should avoid with bananas

Banana is probably the most popular fruit around the world. It is available all year round and is a versatile ingredient in the food world. You can eat it as a fruit, as a vegetable raw, and also use it to bind food. This is not all. It is also enriched with a variety of essential nutrients. Bananas are rich in fiber, protein, healthy fats and several minerals and vitamins essential for overall nutrition. Unfortunately, it comes with its fair share of controversy as well. While some theories associate it with colds and coughs, others claim that it is harmful to people with diabetes. But this does not mean that you should give up bananas completely. Instead, we suggest you use it carefully to get the most out of it.

In this article, we draw your attention to some foods that you should avoid with bananas. In fact, eating certain foods with bananas may affect your overall health and well-being. Read on for more details.
Also read: Say goodbye to brown bananas: 6 expert tips to keep them fresh and delicious

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Here are 4 foods you should avoid combining with bananas:

1. Banana with milk:

According to Ayurveda, banana is acidic in nature, while milk is sweet. This creates confusion in the body and further leads to digestive problems. Dr. Surya Bhagwati, Ayurvedic specialist at Dr. Vaidya, says, “This is a bad combination and is known as Viruddh Aahar. These two foods, when eaten together, produce ama, a toxic substance that is the main cause of infertility. Balance and disease. In the body. Extinguishes digestive fire and disrupts gut flora. May lead to congestion, colds, coughs and other health hazards.

2. Banana with red meat:

Banana contains purine, which makes it easy to digest. While the high protein content of red meat slows down the digestion process. According to health experts, when these two opposing foods are eaten in succession, they may cause fermentation and gas in the digestive tract.

3. Bananas with baked products:

In the last few years, we have seen more and more people making and eating banana bread at home. This is not all. The combination of banana and bread for breakfast has always existed. But did you know that it may be unhealthy for you? Why do you ask? This is because bread and baked goods contain processed carbohydrates that take longer to digest. While bananas, as mentioned earlier, promote digestion. But when these two opposing foods are combined, they increase the risk of digestive imbalances that lead to various health risks.

4. Banana with citrus fruits:

According to Ayurveda, eating virudh anna (foods of opposite nature) may lead to imbalance in vata, pitta and kapha. This is why health experts recommend avoiding acidic and sub-acidic fruits such as lemons, pomegranates, strawberries, etc., along with bananas, which are sweet in nature. In fact, some studies have shown that when bananas and acidic fruits are consumed together, they cause problems such as nausea, headaches, and others.

Now that you know all about the foods you should avoid combining with bananas, we suggest you choose your meals carefully to get the most out of all its benefits. However, it is best to consult an expert before planning a diet.

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Image Source : food.ndtv.com

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