A Drosophila study shows that sugar increases cravings for fat

Credit graphic abstract: Cell reports (2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2023.113387

People are eating too much sugar, and research is increasingly showing that it not only affects metabolism, but also alters the perception of taste. The research team of Mattias Alenius at the University of Ume discovered that excessive sugar consumption increases the desire for fat in flies.

Their recent study, published in the journal Cell reports, reveals an intriguing link: fat and sugar intake influence each other. While this study was conducted on fruit flies, similar mechanisms may exist in humans.

Matthias Alenius, professor at the Department of Molecular Biology, explains: “A lot of sugar reduces the desire for sweets, but increases fat consumption and vice versa. This ensures that the flies get enough sugar and fat as nutrients. ”

Previously, the team had found that even a slight increase in sugar in the diet prompted the fly’s gut to release a hormone called hedgehog into the bloodstream. This reaction lowers the sugar in the taste cells and causes the flies to choose non-sweet foods. Their latest study shows that hedgehogs not only reduce sugar cravings, but also increase fat cravings.

Tracking down the signal that triggers cravings for more fat led the researchers to a central fat regulator found in both mice and flies: leptin, known as Upd2 in flies. As adipose tissue increases in flies, Upd2 is released, suppressing fat taste perception while intensifying sweet cravings. Thus, the interaction between fat and sugar consumption is reciprocally regulated by Hedgehog and Upd2 signaling.

As we prefer, it’s a toss-up between sugar and fat, meaning total calorie restriction, says Matthias Allenius, is often said to be the best way to stimulate our appetite.

We humans perceive fat as a taste, and it remains to be seen whether these research findings apply to us as well.

more information:
Fat- and sugar-induced signals regulate sweet and fat taste perception in Drosophila, Yunpo Zhao et al. Cell reports (2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2023.113387

Presented by Umea University

quotationDrosophila study Nov 25, 2023 from https://medicalxpress.com/news/2023-11-sugar-boosts-cravings-fat-drosophila.html: Sugar boosts cravings for fat.

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