How much protein do you really need?

Those trying to lose weight may want to eat more protein to help maintain muscle, he said. Physical activity also plays an important role: if you lift weights, it indicates the need to increase your protein intake.

Efficiency decreases when you consume too much protein, and he generally recommends a maximum of 1.6 grams per kilogram of body weight. (About five chicken thighs.) Once you start getting above that level, the benefits become less certain.

Passing 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight may also help increase fat stores, Mills said, because our bodies can’t use the extra amount of protein for fuel. Focusing too much on protein can also take other important things off our plates.

Because many protein sources are animal-based, they are higher in fat than carbohydrate-containing foods, which means increasing protein can mean increasing fat, which can negatively impact cardiovascular health, Mills said. And protein at any cost can crowd out other valuable nutrients: the more protein we eat, the less likely we are to get balanced amounts of other food groups, including carbohydrates, fruits, and vegetables, that are good for energy and satiety. do. in fiber, vitamins and help prevent chronic diseases.

While foods that contain the nine essential amino acids, also known as complete proteins, are typically consumed through meat, fish, dairy and eggs, Mills noted that soybeans, quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth, seeds Chia seeds, hemp seeds, and nutritional yeast are all whole plants. Protein based

And don’t let the name fool you. Incomplete proteins like beans, peas, nuts and vegetables usually contain many of the vitamins and minerals our bodies need to function optimally, he said.

There’s a long-held belief that too much protein damages the kidneys, although Nadolsky said there’s not much evidence that this is the case in healthy people with healthy kidneys. “For the general population, most people get adequate amounts of protein, but that’s because of a high overall caloric intake,” Nadolski said.

In short, you’re probably getting enough protein. And 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight is probably fine, but that’s one LotsAnd it is probably not necessary to eat this amount either. Either way, don’t let your protein intake get in the way of your veggies.

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