5 ways to make green bean bowl healthier – Health News Center

It’s become as much of a Thanksgiving staple as squash and carrots, but your favorite green bean casserole isn’t as healthy as many others.

But before you tear up your menu, consider the advice of Melissa Kinney, RDN, director of clinical nutrition at St. Vincent’s Medical Center.

At special meals like Thanksgiving, he says, all foods can have their place, and people should eat what’s supposed to fill them up.

This could mean following a traditional holiday green bean recipe. Or, Kinney says, find new ways to add nutritional value to a traditional recipe.

5 ways to make green bean bowl healthier.

Think about the ingredients in the original green bean casserole, Kinney says.

In the traditional recipe, canned soup, canned green beans and fried onions are used. As a result, the dish is high in sodium and fat, he explains. Additionally, canned green beans may not have as much flavor or fiber as the fresh stuff.

She suggests amping up the wellness factor by trying these easy switches:

  1. Air-fry the onion instead of using a deep-fried one
  2. Use fat-free or salt-free mushroom soup instead of the original cream
  3. Replace 2% milk with 1% or use unsweetened almond, oat, or coconut milk.
  4. Use low-sodium soy sauce instead of regular soy sauce, add less, or omit entirely
  5. Add fresh green beans instead of canned. Blanch them the night before. For a bonus, add freshly sauteed mushrooms.

> Related: 6 Healthy Foods to Add to Your Plate This Thanksgiving

Plus, 3 bonus tips for keeping the table satisfied, but not filled.

Even though foods like green bean casserole are healthier, filling can feel uncomfortable at the Thanksgiving table. To help with the day, Kinney suggests:

  • Eat regularly throughout the day. Don’t skip meals before Thanksgiving because you’ll be so hungry that you may eat past your fullness point or eat so fast that you won’t enjoy the meal.
  • Feel free. Focus on the look, smell and taste of the food. Put your fork down between bites. Engage in dinner conversation with family and friends.
  • Take a walk after eating. This activity will help you digest your meal and keep your blood sugar level stable

It’s normal to overeat on vacation, Kinney says. You can always take the leftovers home to enjoy the next day.

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Image Source : healthnewshub.org

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