What does creatine actually do?

The mention of creatine may conjure up images of a tasteless white powder that adds a certain sand-like quality to your post-workout protein shake, but the compound is also found in foods like milk, red meat, and certain fish. The human body also synthesizes creatine alone in the liver, kidneys and pancreas up to 1 gram per day. If you think your body doesn’t contain creatine because you avoid any powder or capsule, guess again meat. You contain creatine.

The recommended daily dose is 3 to 5 grams per day, and relying on food sources alone to reach this mark can be difficult (for example, a 32-ounce steak may be needed). This is why it is popular as a stand-alone supplement.

After consumption or synthesis, creatine is converted to creatine phosphate and stored mostly in skeletal muscles. muscle muscles such as biceps, quadriceps, etc.), but it is also found in the brain.

There are many different types of creatine supplements, but one of the most recommended and readily available is creatine monohydrate. There are other versions that are more expensive, but creatine monohydrate is the most studied version, other formulations vary mainly in price and water solubility. Examine The article mentions.

Creatine largely as a Ergogenic aid, simply means that it increases performance. Creatine evangelists will tell you that creatine is one of the most studied supplements of all time. And they are right, but what does creatine actually do?

During high-intensity exercise, such as a 5×5 lifting program or a 100-meter sprint, your body uses the phosphocreatine stored in muscles as a source of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the unit of energy needed to carry out cellular processes. relies on According to the Mayo Clinic, having muscle stores of phosphocreatine helps you perform more repetitions during a heavy lifting session, increases muscle mass, and aids muscle recovery.

Depending on your age and level of education in biochemistry (or lack of time logged on Bodybuilding.com), you might think that creatine is a steroid-adjacent compound. Some of us have been told by high school classmates that creatine is a steroid, one you’re not supposed to take that might get you into trouble as a high school football bulking protocol. This notion is probably a mixture of myth and truth, as creatine certainly is No A steroid, but some high schools have historically banned its use or prohibited its promotion.

Image Source : www.gq.com

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