SAH: 3 people hospitalized after taking Modafinil and Armodafinil drugs to stay awake – Singapore News

SINGAPORE: The Health Sciences Authority (HSA) of Singapore has issued a warning to the public against acquiring or consuming Modafinil and Armodafinil products without a prescription or medical supervision.

This advisory follows alarming reports of three people hospitalized after taking Modafinil and Armodafinil due to serious adverse reactions after using these substances obtained from friends or illicit street vendors.

Serious side effects

An individual in his 30s suffered from a life-threatening skin condition known as Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) after consuming modafinil. He acquired the product from a friend and took it once to improve his alertness. Soon after, he became ill, exhibiting symptoms including fever, multiple mouth ulcers, red eyes, and a severe rash that started on his neck and spread throughout his body.

Two other men in their 30s experienced serious side effects after ingesting armodafinil. One of them acquired the substance from a friend to help him stay awake during the day. After using it several times, he developed multiple canker sores, inflammation of the mouth, pain when swallowing, difficulty eating or speaking, and conjunctivitis (pink eye or red, swollen eyes), which led to upon his hospitalization.

The second man, who acquired armodafinil from an illicit peddler in Geylang, also developed SJS and was hospitalized. Her condition began with a fever and rash and eventually progressed to skin blisters and multiple mouth ulcers.

Risks associated with medications Modafinil and Armodafinil

Modafinil and Armodafinil are powerful medications not registered in Singapore but available in some other countries as prescription medications. Doctors in Singapore can apply to the HSA for permission to import these drugs for the treatment of specific medical conditions such as narcolepsy (a neurological disorder affecting the brain’s sleep and wake cycles). In such cases, patients should remain under strict medical supervision.

These medications can cause serious side effects, including:

  • heart problems
  • hypertension
  • anxiety
  • hallucinations
  • mania

Both drugs are reported to cause serious skin reactions, including SJS, and toxic epidermal necrolysis (severe skin reaction affecting 30% of the skin) has also occurred, leading to hospitalization, complications, and even death. Patients who recover may experience long-term consequences, such as skin scarring, hair loss, and visual impairments, including increased sensitivity to light (photophobia) and blindness. Other vital organs, such as the lungs, may also suffer permanent damage. Additionally, modafinil and armodafinil carry a potential risk of addiction due to their stimulating effects on the brain.

Some people use modafinil and armodafinil as cognitive enhancers to improve concentration and memory. Self-medication with these medications is not recommended and may be harmful.

HSA offers the following advice to consumers:

  1. Modafinil and Armodafinil should only be used when prescribed by a doctor and under medical supervision. Using these substances to stay alert or improve concentration without medical advice can be dangerous.
  2. Be careful when obtaining health products from unknown sources, even if they are recommended by friends or relatives. The contents and production methods of these products may be uncertain.
  3. Never share or give strong prescription medications to friends or relatives, as their health conditions may differ and require professional care. Well-intentioned sharing can inadvertently harm rather than help.

For sellers and suppliers, unless authorized by the HSA for specific medical circumstances, the supply or sale of unregistered health products like modafinil or armodafinil violates the Health Products Act. Those found guilty face fines of up to $50,000 or imprisonment of up to 2 years, or both.

The HSA encourages the public to report any information regarding the illegal sale and distribution of Modafinil or Armodafinil to its law enforcement department by telephone at 6866-3485 during business hours (Monday through Friday) or by email to /TISG

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