Another Voice: Congress Must Protect Access to Health Care for Our Nation’s Veterans

Growing up in rural Wayne County, the only medical professionals available were physician assistants. I didn’t see a doctor until I was 18. Access to health care was difficult to obtain, and this is still a reality today. Now, a proposed change to Department of Veterans Affairs rules could make matters worse for our nation’s veterans if Congress does not act.

Thousands of retired American veterans call places like Wayne County home. They often have to travel far to obtain routine and emergency medical care. Unfortunately, the VA is poised to adopt a rule change early next year that could harm access to care for our veterans, especially those in rural areas. To address this problem, Congress must pass the VA Emergency Transportation Access Act (S.2757).

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The VA’s rule change will significantly affect how it reimburses veterans for transportation costs to hospitals and clinics. Costs will increase and, under the rule change, the VA may not reimburse veterans at all if they are taken to a non-VA facility. Many retired veterans live on pensions and fixed incomes. If an emergency requires ground or air transportation to a hospital, they could end up with an astronomical bill. It is neither fair nor right to ask veterans to take on crushing debt if they live in a rural or remote area where access to health care is limited.

The VA Emergency Transportation Access Act provide protections to veterans and remedying the rule modifies many loopholes. The legislation will ensure that new travel reimbursement rates reflect the true costs of transporting a veteran to a hospital or facility. The bill will also create a forum for air and ground medical providers to coordinate with the VA on future changes to reimbursement rates. Most importantly, the bill will prioritize maintaining current services for veterans. before changes are made that will affect access to emergency care.

I have dedicated my life to the defense of our great nation. I also ran for Congress because I felt there was a disconnect between Washington politicians and the everyday people they serve and represent. This includes the thousands of veterans who choose to settle in rural areas. The VA already recognizes that veterans often prefer to live in rural areas, despite health problems often exacerbated by combat-related injuries. The proposed rule change could make things worse.

I urge Members of Congress, especially Senator Schumer and our New York delegation, to take action and support S.2757. In times of need, our veterans answered our nation’s call. Now is the time to recognize their sacrifices and ensure they have access to high-quality care, regardless of where they live.

Roger Misso is a United States Navy veteran and former congressional candidate.

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