Scientists discover cannabis in a completely different plant in Brazil

Scientists have discovered cannabidiol, a cannabis compound known as CBD, in a plant very common in Brazil, opening new avenues for producing this popular substance from other sources.

Cannabidiol was discovered by a team of scientists in the flowers and fruits of a plant called Trema micrantha blume, a shrub that grows across much of the South American country and is often identified as a weed, said the molecular biologist from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Rodrigo Moura Neto, speaking to AFP.

CBD, increasingly used by some to treat conditions related to chronic pain, epilepsy and anxiety, is one of the main active compounds present in cannabis, along with THC or tetrahydrocannabinol, the substance that gives users a high.

The effectiveness of this compound as a medical treatment is still being researched. Neto said that during the chemical analysis, they found CBD in the “Trema” but could not find THC, which increased the possibility of finding several new sources of the former – which will probably not encounter not the legal and regulatory hurdles of cannabis and continues to do so. remain banned in various places, including Brazil.

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“It’s a legal alternative to cannabis use,” he said. “It’s a plant that grows everywhere in Brazil. It would be a simpler and cheaper source of cannabidiol,” he added. Previously, CBD was discovered by scientists in a related plant in Thailand, he said.

Neto, who has not yet published his findings anywhere, said he now plans to expand his study to discover the best methods of extracting CBD from “Trema” and observe its effectiveness in suffering patients. from conditions currently treated using medical cannabis.

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Recently, his team was awarded a grant of 500,000 reais ($104,000) provided by the Brazilian government to fund the research. According to Neto, the research will take at least five years.

Last year, a study by market analysis firm Vantage Market Research estimated the global CBD market to be nearly $5 billion and said it was likely to grow to more than $47 billion. by 2028, particularly due to its increasing health. and welfare use.

(With contribution from agencies)

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