Facing their fears: VR glasses will be used to treat teenagers with anxiety and depression

Rates of depression and anxiety, high even before COVID-19, have increased in recent years thanks to the pandemic. The World Health Organization estimates that these diseases affect a quarter of the world’s population and cost the global economy $1 trillion per year. Treatment includes talk therapy, but much can be done within the confines of a clinician’s office.

A Northeast professor is part of the solution to try to change that.

Sarah Ostadabbas, associate professor in the department of electrical and computer engineering, is leading a National Science Foundation grant with the University of Pittsburgh to develop technology that will use augmented reality (AR) to help treat adolescents with anxiety and of depression. The proposed system would use hardware specifically AR glasses and machine learning software to create an immersive 3D environment to help patients face their fears more realistically, while an EEG sensor monitoring their brain activities would allow therapists to track patients’ brain signals, their responses to fear stimuli, and their progress after prescribed treatment. treatment.

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Image Source : news.northeastern.edu

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