This 20-minute full-body session is our best workout ever

MEN’S HEALTH IS 35 This year, and like any self-respecting guy approaching his mid-thirties, we’re taking a moment to look back at some of the highlights of the three and a half decades we’ve existed, of the guys who have best exemplified strength over the years in some of our favorite recipes from the magazine’s archives.

Since this is Men’s health, there is of course a main focus on fitness. We’ve picked out the top exercises you need to include in your birthday training, but it’s equally important to have a super-efficient, scalable workout that you can follow right now. That’s the focus here: a 20-minute full-body workout that will help you build balanced muscle.

When you have 35 years of exercise history, it’s not always possible to single out just one trainer. So we recruited six (including our first fitness editor, Lou Schuler, CSCS). Each trainer chose an exercise, creating a full-body workout that combines eras and training styles and brings lots of fun.

The heating

Hike to Spiderman Lunge

Filipe Friedman

a person doing a handstand

Filipe Friedman

How to do this:

  • Start standing and place your hands on the floor near your feet.
  • Extend your hands until you are in a push-up position, then contract your abs and glutes.
  • Move your right leg next to your right hand, then reach your right hand toward the ceiling.
  • Reverse the movements until the beginning and repeat on the other side. That’s 1 rep.

Sets and reps: Repeat reps for 60 seconds.

The train

Instructions: Do each move for 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds, and continue to the next move. Hit this for 3 rounds. Try to do this 4 times a week; on every other day, go for a 20-minute walk or run.

Romanian Deadlift for Alternating Rows

a man and a woman

Filipe Friedman

a man with a tattoo on his arm

Filipe Friedman

How to do this:

  • Stand holding dumbbells at your sides, push your butt back, and lower your torso until you form a 45-degree angle with the floor or you feel your hamstrings contract, whichever comes first. Keep the dumbbells close to your shins as you do this.
  • Contract your abs and row the right dumbbell to your right hip. Lower it and row the left dumbbell. Return to standing. That’s 1 rep.

-via Ebenezer Samuel, CSCSMH Fitness Director, 2018-present

3-Point Dumbbell Row

a man lifting weights

Filipe Friedman

How to do this:

  • Start with a dumbbell in your right hand, torso leaning forward, left hand on a box, bench or chair for support.
  • Keeping your hips and shoulders aligned with the floor, row the dumbbell up to your right hip, squeezing your shoulder blade.
  • Lower. That’s 1 rep.
  • Do reps for 20 seconds on the right and then 20 seconds on the left.

-via Lou Schuler, CSCSMH Fitness Editor/Director, 1995-2004


a bent person

Filipe Friedman

a man in a black blouse

Filipe Friedman

How to do this:

  • Get on all fours, with your knees off the floor. This is the beginning.
  • Now lift your right hand off the floor and push your left leg under your body and to the right, pulling your right arm back.
  • Reverse the movement to return to a bear plank.
  • Repeat on the other side.

-via Milo F. Bryant, CSCSMH contributor, 2019 present

Alternating Reverse Lunge

a man holding a woman

Filipe Friedman

How to do this:

  • Start standing and then step back with your right leg.
  • Bend both knees, lowering your torso until your right knee is a few inches off the floor, then return to an upright position.
  • Repeat on the other side.

-via Bobby MaximusMH Contributor, 2012 present

Alternate Dumbbell Press

a person lying on a trampoline

Filipe Friedman

How to do this:

  • Lie on your back on a bench, dumbbells placed directly over your shoulders, abs and glutes contracted.
  • Lower the right dumbbell to within an inch of your chest.
  • Press it again. As you do this, begin to lower the left dumbbell.
  • Press it again.
  • Work in this alternating pattern until time runs out.

-via David Otey, CSCSMH contributor, 2017 present

Press Z alternately

a man lifting weights

Filipe Friedman

Sit on the floor, with your legs straight, the dumbbells resting on your shoulders and your abdominals contracted. Without arching your back, press the right dumbbell overhead. Lower it. Repeat on the left side.

-via Adam Bornstein, CSCSMH Fitness Editor, 20082011

preview of Try This 5-Minute Pump and Punch Workout |  Five Minutes of Hell |  Men's Health Muscle
Photo by Ebenezer Samuel, CSCS

Ebenezer Samuel, CSCS, is the fitness director at Men’s health and a certified instructor with over 10 years of training experience. He has logged training time with NFL athletes and track and field athletes and his current training regimen includes weight training, HIIT conditioning, and yoga. Before joining Men’s Health in 2017, he served as a sports columnist and technology columnist for the New York Daily News.

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