Intimidating sports culture is stopping many people from returning to gyms

NEW YORK – An intimidating sports culture is discouraging countless people from exercising, leaving many feeling marginalized by the fitness industry, according to a new survey. Research carried out among 2,000 adults who do not exercise regularly reveals that 68% feel too self-conscious to set foot in a gym, believing they do not live up to the image of a standard gym enthusiast.

An overwhelming 78 percent say sports ads don’t inspire them, and one in three say such ads stop them from exercising. On the positive side, 55% shared that they would be more inclined to exercise if ads featured everyday individuals. Additionally, one in five felt that setting more realistic industry expectations would motivate them to be active.

Furthermore, 29% believe that sports brands do not identify with their lifestyle. A quarter even found exercise culture off-putting, although almost half (49%) wished they had the confidence to take part in physical activity.

This research was led by ASICS for its “New Personal Best” campaign, which aims to challenge the obsession with performance in the world of exercise. This initiative is a collaboration with mental health charity Mind.

“The sports industry has been telling us for years that the only thing that matters is a faster time, a longer distance, a higher score and more repetitions,” said spokesperson Gary Raucher, European vice president of ASICS, in a statement. “While it aims to motivate people, our research shows that it has the opposite effect and instead creates an intimidating culture that turns people away from exercise, something they were committed to changing.”

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Part of the research had participants view marketing images from sports brands. Surprisingly, 12% admitted to feeling “inferior” due to these images, 13% were intimidated and 7% even felt depressed. Social media was the main point of exposure for 16 percent, with 42 percent expressing that arrogant exercise posts made them feel inadequate even before starting any exercise routine.

“For people who don’t exercise, taking the first step can be scary, especially if they are also struggling with a mental health issue. Staying active can play a vital role in helping us stay and live well with mental health problems,” says spokesperson Hayley Jarvis, head of physical activity at Mind.

Research carried out by OnePoll also reveals that 23% of people who don’t exercise felt embarrassed to begin with and 18% feared being judged for their lack of fitness. Although a surprising 77 percent recognized the mental health benefits of exercise, 61 percent said that personal experiences with mental health problems were still not enough motivation to be active.

“As someone who is passionate about the mental health benefits of exercise, it is disturbing but not surprising that people feel excluded and alienated by the sports industry,” said spokesperson Dr. Alex George, mental health advocate and TV figure supporting ASICS. campaign. “People need to know that regardless of the type of exercise they do, or the times or distances they achieve, any movement benefits mental health and is something that should be celebrated.”

72Point writer Fran Tuckey contributed to this report.

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