Exercises to sculpt a perfect butt

Women often feel left out when an article focuses on men’s fitness goals like biceps, toned chest, and abdominal muscles. A well-sculpted butt is an important aspect of a woman’s beauty, more than a man’s. It can be the equivalent of a toned chest or biceps in the world of men’s fitness.

The question is: is it possible to change the natural appearance of the butt? The answer is yes. Just like men go to the gym and work out to get a toned chest, women can also go to the gym to get a toned butt.

According to Johnson Busingye, gym instructor at Kampala Serena Hotel, all you need to do is work a muscle group called the glutes, located in the buttocks.

The glutes or gluteal muscles are the largest and one of the strongest muscles in the human body. Actively working them with different exercises can make them stronger and, consequently, bigger, he says.

Working your glutes helps improve speed and elasticity and protects your lower back from injury. Most importantly, a well-sculpted butt will boost any woman’s confidence.

Glute exercises aim to target the muscles in your buttocks, which extend into your lower back and hips. Such exercises include squats, lunges, kicks, deadlifts, hip thrusts, step-ups, bridges, among others and many of these exercises are simple and can be done at home or in the gym.

The squat is a strength exercise in which you bend your knees and lower your hips from a standing position, then raise them back up. During the movement, the muscles in the buttocks and hips stretch, flex and contract. In the long term, these muscles increase in size like any worked muscle.

For best results, we add weights to squats. The trainee squats while carrying weights on a bar. Weights require more effort from the body and strengthen muscles, says Busingye.

He adds that you should keep your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart and ensure your back is as straight as possible during the squat.

To perform this exercise, you stand in front of an elevated surface, such as a bench, that comes to knee height. Then you place one leg on the elevated surface and use that leg to lift your entire body until your other foot joins the elevated surface.

The step-up is an easy exercise that you can do on your balcony, in your living room or in your bedroom. Helps you focus on strength and balance in your hamstrings, buttocks, thighs, and lower back. Exercise helps develop a nice butt,” says Busingye.

The correct way to do the exercise is to focus on one leg for several sets before switching to the other leg.

To do this exercise, you stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold dumbbells in your hands. You take a long step forward with one leg and lower your back leg into a lunge, maintaining an upright posture. Busingye advises that you should ensure that your knees do not go past your toes and that your back knee does not touch the floor. Use your front heel to stand and repeat.

It says that the arm movement should be such that the right arm moves towards the left knee and vice versa.

“This workout tones your legs and strengthens them, but it also sculpts your butt, says Busingye.

Make sure that while you’re in the lunge, you hold at the bottom and count to five before moving up again, he adds.

Bridge with leg extension

To do this exercise, lie on your back, bend your knees so that your heels are directly under your knees. Your feet should be comfortably flat on the floor. Contract your stomach muscles to lift your hips off the floor until your hip bones align with your knees and shoulders. Straighten one leg so that it is in line with the rest of your body. Straighten one leg, keeping the straight line connecting your shoulders, hips, knees and heel. Hold for three long breaths.

Return to the starting position and switch to the other leg. This exercise, says Busigye, works the glutes and improves stability.

Since you are using your glutes to hold the raised leg in position, the muscles get a workout and grow if you do this regularly. This exercise also works your thigh muscles and tones them in the long run, he says.

Having strong glutes further protects the body from injuries and pain, as their main function is to support and stabilize the hips, which control the movement of the knees and ankles, as well as the entire torso, from the neck to the pelvis.

Toning your glutes contributes to your overall strength and helps you with sitting, standing, running, walking, jumping and walking. Working the glutes

realigns the body out of the flexed position and can help with imbalances that may have been caused by working from home.

#Exercises #sculpt #perfect #butt
Image Source : www.monitor.co.ug

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